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South Luangwa National Park

South Luangwa National Park



Day 1: Arrival to South Laungwa National Park (air fare or transportation to South Luangwa from Lusaka or Malawi not included)


Pick up from the airport in Mfuwe, South Luangwa and transfer to your lodge by the river of Luangwa (CrockValley Lodge). Depends on the time of your arrival you can have an evening game drive.


Duration: 1 day

Meals included: • Dinner

Accommodation included: Overnight at Crock Valley Lodge 


Day 2: Morning Game Drive


At 5:30 am, savor a light breakfast at your lodge, followed by the commencement of the morning game drive (safari) inside South Luangwa National Park at 6 am. Here, you'll have the unique opportunity to encounter a variety of wild animals, including lions, giraffes, leopards, elephants, baboons, hyenas, and more. Return to your lodge by 11:30 am for a brunch.


Take a leisurely break by the swimming pool, relishing the natural surroundings of the lodge. At 4 pm, we'll embark on an evening safari game drive, returning to the lodge by 8 pm. Delight in a delicious dinner before retiring for the night. Overnight stay at Crock Valley Lodge


Duration: 1 day

Meals included: • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner

Accommodation included: Overnight at Crock Valley Lodge by the River Luangwa


Day 3: Cultural Village and School Visit


After breakfast at 9 am, you will be escorted to a local village to witness a traditional Zambian dance ceremony, a vibrant display that includes wedding rituals, welcoming guests, and local festivities. This presents a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture, allowing you to capture the experience through photos and videos.


Following the cultural village visit, our next stop is a local school. Here, you'll gain insights into the educational system of Zambia and the challenges faced by children and teachers in providing proper education to underprivileged students in public schools. Interact with the children during their class lessons, engage with teachers, and pose any questions you may have.


Post-school visit, indulge in the flavors of local cuisine in the village and take a leisurely stroll to meet and interact with the locals. Return to your hotel for the final evening safari game drive. On the following day, check out from your lodge and transfer to the airport for your departure.


Duration: 1 day

Meals included: • Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner

Accommodation included: Overnight at Crock Valley Lodge by the river Luangwa


Day 4: Departure from South Luangwa National Park


This will conclude your 4 days and 3 nights at South Luangwa National Park. Depends on your departure time you can stay at the lodge before transfer to the airport.


Duration: 6 hours

Meals included: • Breakfast

No accommodation included on this day.


NOTE: The best way to get to South Luangwa is by ProFlight Zambia from Lusaka to Mfuwe which takes 1 hour. Prices are per person

Cancellation policy: Non refundable

  • South Luangwa National Park

    South Luangwa National Park is a renowned wildlife sanctuary located in eastern Zambia. Here are key details about the park:


    • South Luangwa National Park is situated in the Luangwa Valley, in the eastern part of Zambia.
    • The park is bordered by the Muchinga Escarpment to the west and the Luangwa River to the east.


    • The park is famous for its diverse and abundant wildlife, including elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, buffaloes, hippos, crocodiles, and numerous species of antelope.
    • South Luangwa is renowned for its high concentration of leopards, making it one of the best places in Africa for leopard sightings.


    • South Luangwa is a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 400 bird species recorded. Species include the iconic African fish eagle, saddle-billed storks, and carmine bee-eaters.

    Luangwa River:

    • The Luangwa River meanders through the park, attracting a wealth of wildlife. The river is a lifeline, especially during the dry season when animals gather along its banks.

    Night Drives:

    • The park is famous for its night game drives, providing a unique opportunity to spot nocturnal wildlife such as leopards, hyenas, and genets.

    Walking Safaris:

    • South Luangwa is credited with pioneering walking safaris, offering visitors a chance to explore the bush on foot with experienced guides.

    Croc Valley Lodge:

    • Accommodations like Croc Valley Lodge offer comfortable stays within the park, providing a blend of safari experiences and modern amenities.

    Local Villages:

    • Some safaris include visits to local villages, allowing tourists to engage with the communities and learn about traditional Zambian culture.


    • The park can be accessed via Mfuwe Airport, and it is approximately an hour's flight from Lusaka, the capital of Zambia.


    • South Luangwa National Park is committed to conservation efforts, protecting its unique ecosystems and wildlife. The park contributes significantly to Zambia's tourism industry.

    Visitors to South Luangwa National Park can expect an immersive safari experience with close encounters with wildlife, stunning landscapes, and a variety of activities that showcase the rich biodiversity of the region.


    Please take into account that all sales are final. No refunds will be provided. Credit for future use is only valid for one year from the date of cancellation

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